Marijuana induced depersonalization

Hang in there bro! It feels as if you're alone but you really aren't, a quick google can bring up millions of results so it just goes to show that its common.

Now for the insomnia and feeling nauseous it could be that you are withdrawing off the weed, it should go in 1-2 weeks, 2 weeks being maximum. Since i quit smoking (3 days so far now lol) its definitely not as bad now. I bought some swisse mens multi vitamins today which alleviates stress and assists in energy levels stamina and vitality.

Here's some tips which can make DR/DP bearable. - Exercise, it's a good one all round, good for your health, not only physical health but also mental as it releases endorphins after exercising which can bring down anxiety levels.

  • Getting out of the house, this is a big one! If i stay inside all day i just think about the detached feeling all day. Once im outside and about with friends and or just walking my dog i feel way more grounded.

  • Eating healthy, goes hand in hand with exercising. If you have a bad diet i read that a form of bacteria in your stomach called candida can overgrow and cause dr/dp.

  • Meditating, if you don't know how to meditate just start by taking a 3 second breath in through your nose then blow out through your mouth. Try to put yourself in the present, (the easiest way is to just stop worrying about what the future holds and just live in the present) it can be hard to get into but don't give up.

Also as gay as it sounds, keeping a journal actually helps a lot with the process, its like having your own psychiatrist.

If you're feeling depressed or anything just pop me a message man and we can talk, you aren't alone and this is only temporary not permanent. When people say they've had it for years+ even their whole life, it's because they did not fix it, they didn't eat healthy, didnt try self help which basically dug themselves a deeper hole.

Hopefully you read this and understand what im saying, also to anyone else suffering with DP/DR feel free to message me if you need some help.

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