1.11.2 Hotfix

1.11.2 Hotfix - Checksum 4dee EDIT: Updated hotfix to 1.11.2 with a couple more fixes: * Fixed revolutionary tricolors being all-white * Splitting off a siege stack no longer puts general in the wrong stack * Another fix to try and force clients who could not see Women in History to download the files

Fixes from 1.11.1: * Doubled horde gold & tradition gain from looting. * The Women in History DLC should now show up correctly in the launcher for everyone. * Fixed various minor issues with dynasties, triggers and duplicate characters in the Women in History events. * Ships no longer show manpower needed in reinforcement tooltip when not modded to cost manpower. * remove_opinion and reverse_remove_opinion effects now work again. * Random New World no longer crashes on start. * Naval exploration slowed down. There's a new define SEA_EXPLORE_SPEED to control this. * Treasure fleet tooltip will be immediately updated on tag change rather than at month's end, to prevent confusion. * Fixed wrong custom colors for units after loading save game. * Fixed male heirs sometimes getting female names in Custom Nations. * Fixed Colonial nations of custom nations ruled by a succession of regency councils. * Fixed CTD when creating client states from Custom or Dynamic Nations. * Fixed assigning merchant to main trading port removes caravan trade power. * Fixed Detach Siege can remove general if detaching army was too small. * Fixed wrong custom colors for units after loading save game. * Fixed Dynamic nations losing all flag colors after save (colors will be randomized if loading a save created before the fix). * Natives can no longer rise up in uncolonized provinces taken by custom nation. * Fixed a bug that was preventing the AI from exploring ocean provinces. * Fixed a bug where female advisors would not be correctly saved as female on saving & reloading. * Fixed meso/south american theologians having Western portraits * Added missing localization for colonial nation names. * Tweaked army tradition gain so that you gain some tradition even from crushing victories (you still get more for more even battles though) * Fixed some cases where liberty desire still did not show on topbar for subjects. * Fixed some missing localisations for colonial nations.

/r/paradoxplaza Thread Link - forum.paradoxplaza.com