1 in 3 young adults suffers from loneliness in U.S., finds a new study of more than 1,200 patients at primary care offices, with 20% saying they at least sometimes felt lonely or “left out”, but loneliness was most common among patients younger than 25 - with one-third reporting those feelings.

While there isn't a clear cut answer of way to approach this situation, one could begin to tackle this dilemma by trying to think of why they are or feel lonely. Why are you not connecting with others? Why do you feel alone if/when you are around others? Are the relationships you have not meaningful?

I think this problem stems from other findings that most young people feel like their relationships with others are shallow. You can talk to, be around, and laugh with plenty of people, but if you don't connect on a deeper level with anyone you won't feel that comfort of knowing that someone else is truly there for you. In any good relationship you can speak your mind freely without being judged and knowing that the person your talking to genuinely cares about you. This is based on trust. Think of how many people you actually trust? For example, who would you tell your secrets to and have confidence that the information your entrusted to someone remains with them?

Nowadays, especially, young people tend to be more attracted towards relationships that have some sort of benefit, be it advancing their social presence, offering a career advantage, etc. They are spending time and putting effort into developing relationships that could very well be toxic, but further a goal. However, this never addresses the innate desire to feel close to someone, so there will always be a sense of loneliness.

Some possible solutions: - Don't put effort into relationships that are only a means to an end - Put effort into those who you enjoy for who they are. - Be honest with others. If someone can't handle your unfiltered thoughts and feelings the relationship isn't going to work. - Be honest with yourself. Don't put more effort into convincing yourself that you want to be around someone than you actually do. A good relationship should involve effortlessly enjoying the other person for who they are.

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