The 1% are no more likely to be arseholes than the 99%

Easier to Punch up than even think about punching down.

If there's a serious problem with Minorities in your country targetting the majority no one will feel comfortable blaming the minority cuz it's taught to everyone to be mindful of the minorities irrespective of how shitty they can be just cuz "They have it bad and you being in a better situation shouldn't be rude to them, you have no clue about the problems they face". On the other hand doing anything to someone wealthier than General public is always ok cuz they have more than you and you being a total spaz to them is perfectly fine cuz they can afford to deal with it. Aka you live in a system that promotes crab mentality rather than Unifying and building up together as a community.

Ppl who are the 1% have everything the 90% want and dream of having.

Everyone wants to be rich and famous (maybe).. the lack of money is what makes being rich that sought after. And since the 1% have what the rest 90%'s ok to be dicks to them cuz we couldn't possibly cause any harm to them and even so they're living our dream also they're easy to blame for literally anything we face. Increased taxes is something the middle class pay while rich ppl with companies can afford to enjoy tax cuts etc "WhIcH iS nOt FaIr". 90% of the worlds populus are a bunch of lazy idiots who would rather live off the Security checks the govt pays them vs actually finding out what they can do themselves. Everyone wants to inherit Wealth, and that's why you find dumb rich kids everywhere.

All are in power in their own respective way by just being humans.

No matter who you are you still have a significant amount of power over you surroundings....and with any lvl of power comes being a total asshole. If you're mad and you can take it out on someone and they can't do anything about it, guess what your the asshole. The only reason you don't feel powerful is cuz other ppl exist.

Eg: Police office harrassing a minority is scared shirtless infront of a CO in his precinct, and the CO being scared of the mayor, politicians being scared of the local rich folk of the community cuz pissing them off means losing funding etc.

Everyone has power but to establish value it's established in hierarchy.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread