1% Of The Population Owns Almost Half Of The World's Wealth.

So you wouldn't send them to college, buy them a starter car, or anything ? You would kick them out at 18 with nothing and tell them to go take out loans ?

I can respect the principle behind this, and I can totally get behind not leaving them millions of dollars so that they never have to work or something crazy like that. But at a certain point this attitude is just setting your kids up for a life of poverty and drugs and all sorts of horrible things.

Families exist for a reason, and part of that reason is inheritence. There is a reason we have been working under that system for thousands of years. An inheritence doesn't have to mean leaving someone with hundreds of thousands in assets no strings attached, it can mean a lot of other things as well.

At least in my part of the country, not helping your kid get the bare minimum inheritence of a starter car for a couple grand to get to work would be abuse. I'm not sure how they would be able to survive without transportation to work. I guess you could tell them to pitch a tent under the nearest bridge, but that wouldn't last long.

Basically what I am trying to say is that nobody makes it totally on their own. There is a minimum inheritence that you sort of owe your kids by default and failing to give them that minimum is a failure of your obligations as a parent, especially if you have the resources.

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