1 Streamer just reported a Symmain and she got banned instantly, just shows that the system is auto and shit.

When the game is designed to have niche picks like sym and torb, and you run them in scenarios where it doesn't make sense, that's on the player.

The reason I mentioned non-flex DPS is because they lose far more games than one tricks do. The ironic part is, they’re usually screaming the loudest at their teammates. “No heals” isn’t just a meme, it’s a choice everyone made: including the “never picks support” DPS player. Same is true for tanks, since they don’t play that either.

Yet, for some reason you can trigger your team by being unapproved one trick with a greater than 50% win rate. Yet, 5 non-flex DPS only players will all collective yell at one player who isn’t able to heal them while they trickle feed during their 1v6s.

It all seems very strange to me. One tricks are easy to blame, even when their win rate says they’re doing something right most of the time. Where as, that never flex DPS main is a bigger problem because there’s enough of them that I commonly see 5 put on my teams. I’m not even sure if I’ve ever seen more than one trick in a game.

But hey, fuck one tricks right?

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent Link - clips.twitch.tv