#1 Trending Video on YouTube today is titled "Alpha Males Do Not Exist"

The point he's trying to make is that there exist multiple dominance hierarchies and not one man can conquer them all. There exist men who dominate their own hierarchies, Jordan, Gates, Mayweather, but all these men are fair game to criticisms that do not pertain to their expertise, such as Mayweather being unable to read, or Jordan failing spectacularly at his attempted baseball career. Gates probably wouldn't be able to defend himself from a raccoon attack.

The idea of a universal alpha male who dominates all hierarchies is a fantasy, no shit.

But dominance hierarchies exist, everywhere.

You feel good about getting hired by Goldman Sachs? Parents are proud, friends are begging for referrals, girls on the block heard and are taking notice. You feel like a kin-.. wham, wake the fuck up sunshine. Now you have to keep up with zealously ambitious cut-throat banking geniuses who've been publishing academic papers on theoretical behavioural economics while you were slogging through single-variable calculus in high-school. Suddenly, a new hierarchy emerges that you're trying to survive in it, let alone thrive. Everyone who's not aware of what you're up against thinks you're hot shit, but few know that you're struggling every damn day not to fall off the wagon.

If you've watched Joe Rogan, you can realize that any time he and his colleagues (ahem Bravo cough) talk about MMA, they're on the fucking ball. They have an amazingly deep understanding of the sport, but God forbid they touch literally any other topic. They're clueless, shallow, and unable to articulate any sensible conclusions based on whatever collective knowledge they can muster.

So what do you do? Pick a hierarchy and dominate it, but be humble enough to realize that that's your lane of expertise and authority, little more. Sure you can hold an opinion on this or that based on your conceptualization of your reality, but don't walk around flailing your arms in glorious alpha-male fashion if your opinion is criticized.

Kingpins can only definitively exist is explicitly established hierarchical arenas, such as the military. There are ranks, and that's fucking that. Nobody questions the hierarchy, else the whole system goes to hell.

/r/TheRedPill Thread