1 Year


if the creator and the issues they face are the heart of what makes Kickstarter a public benefit

what is it that we should know about the creator that will allow us to better serve them.

besides the wharton survey - what more personal things can we discover?

the kickstarter lab

pre-launch service to help make great projects come to life.

what about the process of launching a project makes you the most uncomfortable?

We've got stats

We see patterns

it's the bts - pulling the curtain on how this works.

Your project falls into a sub category

Journey Quest

We want to optimize your chances of success

Kickstarter has access to the strongest brand of all



breaking records

you're formatting the creative process

in a way that is fluid interchangeable

If Kickstarter could pull back a curtain for you on their process - what would you hope to find?

What is the obstacle in your way?

Remove money from the equation - this is about taking what's in your head and making it real.

What would make this even more fun?

What do you wish Kickstarter did that it doesn't currently do?

There are a bunch of crowdfunding sites - Why use Kickstarter?

Do you remember when you first heard of Kickstarter? What was the context? What was your initial impression? What's your current take on it.

run the numbers

probability meter

status bar - exp points


ks should be more like a game

link backers across projects



level based system

experience points

if there was a 'game' a formatting game that helped me see how it fits in with similar projects.


Making time more interesting.


How did LSD force you to quit? I can't seem to stop. I've never taken it. XTC / Mushrooms sure but not LSD.

Also, heartbreak is all about time. You have to stay busy with something or you WILL wallow. Give yourself a few weeks to mourn the loss. It is a 'death' in a way - maybe it's even worse actually because the person is still alive but you're choosing to pretend that you're dead to each other. I had a break up January 14. I'd say I genuinely got over it around the beginning of summer. Seeing someone else helps a ton, especially because you know you don't want a relationship for a while.

/r/leaves Thread