10 days until GRE! Mock test scores : 304, 303, 306. Goal is 320

I agree with /u/JustSitDownBro. To try to go from any score, even 310+, to absolutely perfect, on such a broad test as the GRE, is so statistically unlikely that even if you were able to pull it off, it wouldn't be due to any specific method of preparation but rather sheer chance, rendering this thread useless. That's not to say it can't be done, but unless your errors all fall into one very specific category, it's a negligible chance. The best you can do for yourself is to continue your regular practice and some mental preparation, because in ten days you can show up to the GRE either A. Deluded into believing that whatever you did over the last 240 hours will assure you a 320; B. A nervous wreck because you know it won't and all you wanted was a perfect score; or C. Confident that even at your worst, you'll do incredibly well, with the potential for a near-perfect score. I don't know about you, but I'd put my effort into C.

/r/GRE Thread