10 September 2017

Depends on the meet. I've been to good and bad meets. I've competed about 10 times. I went to a small meet and had ridiculous crowd backing years ago going for a 227.5kg dead on my last lift with 67.5kg. I had a huge dispute after my 2nd dead, Got redded 2-1, head judge wouldn't over rule despite white lighting me and giving down signal which was BS. Probably a factor of crowd getting behind me so much however as I was clearly robbed. I've been to big meets where the crowd is deadly silent when I've lifted (despite being much bigger crowd) apart from my support team even on bigs meet, lifting more weight in the 75kg class.

Personally I enjoy all meets as I enjoy seeing good lifters lift and I don't really care much about the crowd as an experienced in the zone lifter. I care about competing and seeing others put up big numbers (drug free, I have no interest in doped lifts even in untested federations personally and nor does anyone in the crowd)

Finding a meet enjoyable or not I'd imagine depends on what sort of person you are as I noticed at all meets the other lifters are very very jealous of successful lifters. I competed as a junior in the same flight as someone who deadlifted 340kg at 125kg once and it was an epic lift, but the crowd seemed pretty jealous and especially the lifters who all cleared off before his 3rd attempt apart from me. So he has a video doing the lift and I'm the only lifter left cheering him which is pretty sad imo. Many lifters are pissed when people out total them I've noticed.

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