$10 sprite? That shit better kill me.

IDK how you feel about it but I think that's a very good thing and it doesn't happen often enough. I think all restaurants should a) pay their employees a livable wage and b) split all tips between all of the employees. The cooks work just as hard (and often harder in many restaurants I've worked at) as the server to make the customer's meal enjoyable, but they are usually making half of what the servers make at the end of the night, often times even less. Couple all that with the fact that a large portion of cooks and kitchen workers are disenfranchised in some major way, ie, undocumented, ESL, ex-convict, (hopefully ex) addicts, then the pay disparity becomes even more egregious, ESPECIALLY if the owner knows they can exploit a vulnerable person. Let's not even talk about taxes and reported tips lol.

A pro-tip if you want to make a cook instantly like you and go above and beyond for you on occasion....tip them out at the end of the night

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