
Were not talking about a niche 0.5% of the population, any elderly person working there most likely has made some poor decisions in life. I'm sorry but no hardworking good person gets stuck at minimum wage, just not reality. No it doesn't, it's called your going to community college and public school then if you can't afford the big fancy uni, get a scholarship, they hand them out like candy same with loans that you don't have to pay back. All I'm hearing is victimization stance and excuses, see how far that will get you because the world (which is far from Reddit) does not buy into this, it's a harsh reality we live in. This country is so spoiled to the point everything is taken for granite and too the point where many believe they are entitled without having to do anything, just blame it on someone who did do something, your entitled to nothing and be grateful your in the best country in the world, please go visit other countries and get your perspective corrected

/r/WhitePeopleTwitter Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it