100% Accurate.

Been here 20+ years, seems like a easy and weak allergy season for me so far... I sneezed once today? Not sharing this experience, missing out.

I used to feel good results from local pollen. I know some Joe Rogan fans are like "bUT ThE PoLLeNz ArEN't tHE SamE" while acknowledging that everyone is getting misted with grass and tree cone pollens... which the pollinators are also traveling through with their growing in size pollen packages... Sure while the wind dispersed grass/tree (et al) pollens don't show up in the similar proportions compared to the flora byproducts pollinators have more focusedly evolved to transport, (as seen in your "pollen granule directions" pdf from Florida State)... the fucking wind-travellin' pollens often do show up in trace amounts and taking trace amounts of things you react poorly too in misty-fog-living-life-normal-windy-or-not-conditions over time may improve your reactions/immunity (source Princess Bride). So, yes, I ate local bee pollen for years in the Spring, here, in Portland, and for me... who is not currently taking pollen or having significant allergies... I felt like the pollen was helping then. I have had years after, when I wasn't regularly taking pollen where my allergies went off. Not this year. Sorry for the rest of you. Have you tried local pollen? :)

/r/Portland Thread Link - i.redd.it