104 hours and 42 seconds. D6 done. Free2Rico achieved.

That depends on what specifically you mean with "jealous" here, but generally, yes? That's what "buttmad about P2W" generally is; Resentfulness about the fact that they're working hard to hone their skill, and someone else just straight up buys advantages. And to be honest, you can't blame them for that much.

The amount of pay-2-win in this game is ridiculous, and WoT has made Wargaming a fucking joke amongst the wider gaming community.

Which does leave the question: So why are they angry at the whales, and not WG?

To which the answer is pretty straightforward. WG is as dense as a rock, and you're not going to change them short of legal action.

But bullying whales into leaving the game? That's something you can get working on right now. Yeah, it doesn't really work if the devs are paying attention (and as it concerns their main revenue stream, they usually are), but it's something where (in the eyes of the angry) "progress can be made immediately and by anyone".

As for the matter of "is buying PR bad"? Yes. It is. It further incentivizes WG to spend obnoxious amounts of dev resources on content the vast majority of the users won't benefit from. Sure, "people can spend their money however they see fit", but that doesn't mean you're free from judgement in how you spend it when it indirectly, ever so slightly, harms other people. (In this case; Their enjoyment of this game.)

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