
Identify it Before It Happens

A thing I've found to be extremely beneficial is to never let yourself get caught off guard. Chick's will pull shit out of thin air and try to blind side you with "the talk" or any number of bullshit reasons.

If you can identify what they want or when they will start hitting you with these test, it's will take you light years to identify it before it happens and have a quick baseline response to the test.


Right now I'm working a shit ton on a side venture and it's consuming a lot of my free time and money from my career. I'm having to cut back the time i spend with my main plate. It's going to come to a head. I've identified it before it has happened and have thought about a good frame to counter it, I say frame and not response because it's easier to handle it with a general frame of response than a cookie cutter line or phrase. No canned lines here, frame and only frame.

Frame - I'm bettering myself and you should know i will run myself dead when i set a goal. I tackle my goals tenaciously. If you think you are going to slow me down or get in my way, the outcome isn't going to be what you want.

Basically i'm going to respond indifferently to her comfort/shit test. I'm go to tactfully remind her to check herself before she wrecks herself. I personally prefer handling this stuff with a neutral, tactful response as it is a useful skill outside of relationship. Say managing a team, employee's or coworker.

Basically I want to build myself into a man that conducts himself like a seasoned General. Marcus Aurelius is my end goal on how i want to be say 5-10 years from now. seasoned and to the point that nothing phases me.

/r/TheRedPill Thread