11 year old girl gives birth to rapist's child via c-section after Argentina refuses abortion.

This is why we need to advance technology to the point we can transfer embryos from one womb to another.

It’s totally unfair to paint this picture of abortion in black and white just like you’re saying. I agree that abortion is murder and that a woman has the right to her body (that doesn’t resolve her of her responsibilities of choice). In cases of rape, it is absolutely heartbreaking! But at this point in technology, I can’t justify the cessation of ALL civil rights of one individual (the baby being murdered) for the absolved 9 month infringement of rights on another individual (the mother). Again, it’s absolutely gut wrenching for a woman to be impregnated by rape, but I don’t think it justifies murder.

The only way I’m wrong is if someone can prove that it is not life which can’t be done.

/r/Libertarian Thread Parent Link - time.com