11 yrold Shih tzu (medicated) has seizures during bathing only

Firstly thank you for your open and caring response. frankly. I was a bit disillusioned after asking my question.

he'd be a grimy, uncomfortable wreck after 4-6 months. He doesn't have a normal shih tzu coat but I don't think it's fair to compare a drop-coated breed to a wire-coated breed as far as grooming needs.

Agreed, I bath him when he is uncomfortable. not grooming a Shih tzu creates lots of problems with his coat such as knots that adds to his stress.

That said this situation is completely unacceptable as it stands, obviously. Giving your dog a seizure on purpose every 6-8 weeks is NOT okay.

The fact that said I am purposely giving my dog seizure pisses me off to no end, I will refrain from the verbal beating I really wish to give that Mod.

OP, have you spoken to your vet about what could be done to prevent seizures when bathing? Is it possible to give him a sedative for occasional baths or is that contraindicated by the phenobarbital? Does he need his meds adjusted so he's not so close to the seizure threshold that the stress of a bath makes him sieze?

yes, I have. (I also bring my dog in regularly for blood tests to monitor his kidneys) the vet said not to supplement the pheno, with something else or increase pheno dosage on the day he needs bathing.

Have you tried desensitizing him to baths so they're less stressful, by going very slowly and giving lots of treats?

Defiantly, I have even held him the entire time, using a spray hose as low as possible. I have even gotten in the tub with him. I have tried many was of lowering the stress. he is a very bright and aware dog and can understand what I am doing to start the process. I have even hide the preparation from him and slowly acclimated him to even going in to the bath room.

Is there some alternative to bathing you can do?

That's why I came here (regretfully), for advice.

I use wet wipes to clean my dog's face.

I do too

Can you just keep him in a very short trim and rub him down with wipes frequently to keep him clean?

I do, the problem is managing keeping his hair short. when he is dirty the electric razor is not effective as much as when he is clean and that causes stress. it's weird that the hair trimming doesn't cause him stress, frankly it is much more obtrusive than bathing, again he is smart and a bit neurotic. I have know idea why he sees bathing as stressful but not grooming (when he is clean)

Something has to change here, though, because right now you're hurting your dog.

I agree something needs to change, again why I am seeking advice.


Again it is a number one concern, I am looking (as always) what is best for him.

I know your response is influenced by this A hole mods remarks which aren't true, but I am seething from her remarks.

thank you for you interest.

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