110th Weekly Stupid Question Thread

Lance main getting into Gunlancing as well, and G3 key quests are mopping the floor with me. I soloed everything up until now (except for Fire Drill because holy shit that quest is just WRONG) and have had very few problems. Suddenly Kushala/Teostra/Ukanlos are wiping the floor with me. Chameleos wasn't bad (and is actually my new favorite monster... SO cool), but it took a few tries because of timing out.

I don't know if it's my gear or me.

My Lances: Predator Gravelance+ / Silver Prominence / Jingana+ / Great Demon Lance / Daora's Fang / Le Sage / Paratwist Crawler / Incessant Crow / Ruiner Lance / Darkness / Luzifer/Sage (I know I've neglected my status lances; working on it).

My Lance armor is a mixed set of Monodevil Helm, Zinogre Mail X, Nargacuga Braces/Faulds/Greaves X. Along with gems and a +6 Evasion OO charm, I have Evasion +3, Evade Extender, and Sharpness +1. I'm at 607 defense with charms/talons.

I'm also rocking the Menacing Gravegun+ (offline) and Seditious Gunlance (online) with an armor set of Barroth Helm X, Artian Mail S, Barroth Vambraces X, Barroth Faulds X, and Tetsucabra Greaves S. With charm, this gives me Guard Boost, Guard +2, Artillery God, and AuS, as well as 514 defense.

Are my weapons just not strong enough? Is my defense too low? Am I not playing aggressively enough/too aggressively? The elder dragons triple cart me in 5-10 minutes, and even after swallowing my pride and going online I'm still getting destroyed (which is even WORSE because instead of just failing myself, I'm letting down 1-3 other people).

Solo artists: I summon you to help a poor wretch out. I don't want to get carried. I strongly prefer doing things on my own for the feeling of accomplishment, and if that's going to stop, then I'm pretty much done with this game. =/

/r/MonsterHunter Thread