12.11 TLDR Changes

It's baffling to me how Leblanc and Syndra haven't been addressed despite being in atrocious spots and will be in an even worse place when Everfrost is nerfed.

Meanwhile the continuous bullshit excuse that this is due to the pro scene is more and more difficult to comprehend when other staple pro picks like Irelia and Akali are receiving buffs here (direct for Irelia and indirect for Akali whos most important stat is mpen).

It makes sense to buff both of them because their performance was worsened quite a bit in 12.10. What doesn't make sense is leaving the others off the table.

At least Syndra should see some temporary buffs soon if the SG prestige rumours are true. Leblanc at this point should receive a coffin outside riot HQ.

/r/summonerschool Thread