12 Gold Bars to make your starter pistol all black. this is the problem

The gaming community has tried two models thus far. The old EQ style with a subscription and long long REALLY long grindsand micro-transactions, largely to player requests.

You get that you guys caused this to happen right ?
Players begged for a game store for years in EQ, SWG, WoW, the list goes on.

Whats the 3rd model? Have a suggestion? Having only cosmetic items cost money doesn't cover it, so whats the next model?

People have made that loud and clear throughout the years.

But far more have bought the shark card.
I am sorry to say that its usually the unhappy people that post to reddit and social media.

Your feedback URL is not representative of the general attitude of the game.

And you know this how?

/r/reddeadredemption Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it