I know a number of people, very progressive and good people, who will ascribe to themselves a mild amount of gender fluidity (when it seems to me they just aren't girly girls or lumberjack men but otherwise totally cis and at most college-curious bi). It makes me roll my eyes sometimes but whatever, they aren't hurting anyone.
Except they are now having kids and say things like "I hope he's gay". And that gives me serious pause. I have two kids and if either of them is gay I will love and support them without blinking an eye, but I don't hope they are gay or straight. I hope they are able to find out who they really are. And that means gay, straight, cis, trans, nerd, jock, dork, whatever.
To me, the mindset of secretly hoping your kid is gay or trans to showcase your progressive bonafides is no better than hoping they are straight because you don't like gay people.
Be comfortable with the idea that your child might be gay, but also be comfortable with the idea that, statistically speaking, they will probably be straight. Don't push onto them the idea that these things are a choice they make. Just give them a happy and supported life and pay attention to who they are and what they like. Your kids don't exist to validate your beliefs and choices.