12 year old’s discussions while playing warzone

It's a need teachers need to fill because the parents of the child and/or other children might not fill it. If a gay kids gets bullied by other children because he's gay, which children's parents are supposed to teach that that's wrong? The gay kid's? Well that won't solve anything would it? The bullies'? The teachers are in a perfect position to prevent or intervene there. They're the adults who are there when the kids are interacting with each other every day.

Not a need. Bullying isn't allowed.

I'm guessing then there should be a law preventing teachers from talking about issues that some kids have with treatment of rare cancers then huh?

You think you got me but I just agree.

In your household maybe (at least I hope), but that's far from a guarantee for every household.

Was taking about school not household.

Also I'm betting you don't have a problem with teachers teaching to be kind or being comfortable with oneself when it's not related to LGBTQ issues right?

Depends on topic.

Owwww, is it "some of my best friends are black"

My wife and children are black. So yes

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