13-y/o Boy Commit Suicide After Saying School ‘Didn’t Do Anything’ to Stop Bullies: “To the parents of the boys that tormented my son...You get to hold your children every night and day for the rest of your lives...I don’t get that anymore. Your little monsters took that from me and my wife”

Or maybe they shouldn't have raised such a sensitive little bitch. . .

I had a similar problem when I was in school. I tried ignoring the problem. I tried avoiding the people that were tormenting me. I tried appealing to the school faculty. None of it did a damn bit of good.

My step-father always taught me to be a pacifist, so I knew he wouldn't be any help. I instead asked my mother and uncle what to do one day. They told me to single out the ringleader, and put him in the hospital. Don't just beat his ass. Do some real damage to let everyone know that you're serious. Pick the time and place so that you have the advantage and then roll the little fucker.

I took their advice, to an extent. I didn't put the guy in traction, but I made sure that he got humiliated with enough physical damage to remind him that I wasn't fucking around.

Long story short, I got suspended for a few days, and it didn't have to worry about it until the following school year. I did have to repeat this ritual near the beginning of the last three years of high school, but after I did, no one fucked with me again.

TL;DR - Teach your kids to be something other than passive little pansies and you won't have to worry about this shit.

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