15 and 16 year old boys fatally punch 59 year old man after he refuses to give them money at fairgrounds. The man died the next day in the hospital.

400 years of post-slavery systematic inequality is what makes “hoods” disproportionately poorer today. They’re fucked because they were constantly fucked over while the government gave other cities more attention/resources.

What they did is fucked, and you can sleep easy knowing that since black men go to jail as much as 3x more as white men for committing the same crime, that these kids are going to get fucked in court.

Saying the culture is fucked is pretty insensitive, most people living there are decent citizens trying to do their best to be successful. These guys don’t represent them.

To insinuate that they do.. well my guy, that’s called racism.

/r/iamatotalpieceofshit Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it