15 dollar minimum wage is bullshit

Raising minimum wage makes it worse for everyone. The workers, businesses, the whole economy. It directly leads to inflation. On paper sure, you are making more than before, but your dollar is not worth the same anymore. In order to compensate for minimum wage being bumped up businesses must 1. bump up their prices so they can afford to pay the workers (hurting the consumer and the business) 2. Hire undocumented immigrant workers so they don’t have to meet minimum wage / pay under the table to avoid taxes (hurting hardworking documented employees and the economy) and/or 3. Fire workers / hire less (hurting productivity, the consumer, the business, and hardworking employees) It just genuinely doesn’t seem like a good idea to raise the minimum wage. Countries like Sweden which have a great quality of life and a capitalist free market system don’t even have set minimum wages. I understand the sentiment behind it totally, we want people to live happy healthy lives and not have to worry about how they can afford their next meal, but i’m just not convinced raising the minimum wage will actually help anyone in the long term, and even barely in the short term. This is coming from someone currently working a minimum wage job. I’m open to criticism, as it sure would seem nice to have my income bumped up a tad.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread