Is 15 months jail too much for sexually assaulting a woman in her sleep but stopping when she tells you to?

My ex husband raped my in my sleep for at least a year. Sometimes he stopped when I woke up crying and sometimes he didnt. What happened to me? My body started waking me up at the times he would rape me and make me puke uncontrollably. All day. Couldnt keep food down for weeks at a time. Couldnt stand up without falling to the floor and puking. Lost 40 lbs (almost a third of my body weigh), was in the hospital 3 times to be rehydrated so my stomach would stop spasming/cramping so i could attempt to eat. It didn't matter anymore, food tasted like sand that I couldnt swallow and it would get worse the more I tried to eat.

I left him two years ago and not only am I still struggling mentally but any time i get remotely stressed I drop all the weight I've tried gaining again and have to start over. Couldnt even take him to court my mental health was so bad I didnmt want to see his face ever again. He sent me nonstop threats that if I came after him for money or for all the rape and abuse, he would take my dog away from me in court (because he paid for him, doesnt matter my ex wouldnt let me work outside of managing HIS business for free) and then let my dog out into traffic or drop him out the third floor window.

Sorry, this post made me need to vent. Men are never held accountable for the things they do to women.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread