15/ Poor male/ Keep getting made fun of by rich kids in my classic what do i do

Work hard in school and get good grades. In about 2 years, start looking for scholarships and GO TO COLLEGE. It's the pathway to success, and the best revenge is massive success.

Keep working hard and you do you. Don't fall in to the stupid race games. Most people outside of your privileged school don't give a shit about your skin color, know that when you get to college it will be a whole different ball game. You'll make friends of all races, and depending on where you go, socioeconomic status will become relatively trivial (all college kids are laden with debt lol).

Also, and I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT get into a fight with those people. You have to ignore them. Someone in your socioeconomic position already has enough obstacles to overcome to be successful, and it sounds like you're on the path to success. Don't fuck it up by hitting one of those kids or doing something stupid. They WILL take you to court if they lose or if you embarrass them, and they will hire good legal help. I'm telling you this as someone who has seen this exact scenario play out.

TL;DR: Buckle down in school, best revenge is success, don't play the race games, no fighting or stupid shit, you have a great future ahead of you.

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