15 Simple Questions For MTG players

Personal History:

How did you get into playing games like this? Can you tell me your story?

I got into Magic about 6 years ago. My friend bought me a Commander deck (Riku of Two Reflections) and immediately I enjoyed the game. I played Commander for about 3 years with a really great group of friends.

When Theros Block came out I decided to start playing Standard, my first 60 card deck. I built Red Deck Wins. This started my devotion (heh heh) to Red. I did well, winning a Game Day and eventually playing Boros Burn.

I decided to play that Boros Burn standard deck in modern about 6 months into my standard career just to help the event fire with myself acting as player number 8. I got 2nd.

Immediately I was hooked on modern, building Burn (My first love in magic and favorite strategy) and went on to build Affinity (My main competing deck) and a few more decks.

Currently I run a stream from my local shop doing commentary on our modern and legacy events 3 times a week. And I have my eyes set on eventually grinding and trying to make aname for myself as a player.


In an ordinary month how much time and money to do invest in MTG?

In an ordinary month I will spend about 60 hours doing commentary, 10 hours doing stream set up. and about 20 hours playing the game.

Monetarily I have slowed my purchases. Most of my money goes to a little fund to help the stream when needed.

Networks and Relationships:

How well do you know the other people who come?

Very well, I frequent my Local Game Store almost daily and I try to make a point to get to know everyone pretty well.

How many of them would you consider good friends? For example, if you needed a favor, like someone to help you move, who would ask? How many of the people from Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday Night Magic would help you?

I'd like to think a decent few of them would. not related to moving. But the generally community has been immensely helpful in helping the stream get up and going and provide me with help when needed.

Entertainment and Recreation: What other interests or activities would people who like MTG be “into”? What about you? What are some of the other things you like / ways you spend your time?

General nerd culture I suppose. A lot of League of Legends players, and Board Gamers. As for me. Magic is where I put all of my remaining time with Work, School, and other life responsibilities


What are some ways you think being part of MTG and the MTG community has influenced you or affected your life?

Being a part of the MTG community has been a huge plus in my life. It has given me many friendships. Taught me about threat evaluation and resource management. The ability to both win and lose with grace. and given me an amazing outlet to put my energy in a fun and constructive manner.



Different people and cultures have lots of different ideas about how everything began. For instance, there’s the “big bang” theory, there’s the argument for intelligent design––it’s even been suggested that life began here when aliens came with a crystal containing all the essential components to generate life on earth. What do you believe is the most likely explanation regarding creation or how life began on earth?

I generally subscribe to the theory of the Big Bang. As well as the process of Evolution.

Power: Here’s what might be a related question: “Is anybody in charge?” Do you believe there is any ultimate force in control of the universe? How would you describe it? If there’s no ultimate force, what would consider the source or sources of power?

I do not subscribe to any particular system of belief. I am currently unconvinced of any greater powers in the universe.

Destiny: Most of the world’s epic stories include some emphasis on destiny – the idea that our existence may have a purpose beyond what we can see. On the other hand, other people just say you’re here today and gone tomorrow, and when you’re life is over, that’s all there is to it. Which perspective would best represent how you think about? Or maybe you have another perspective all together that you’d be willing to share.

I do not believe in destiny in any grand fashion. I believe that each of us has a certain amount of options available to us at a given time dependent on many factors (some in our control, some not). It is up to us to choose which options to take and continue making choices at each juncture.


Every great story seems to have characters, tension, and conflict, some kind of problem that needs to be solved. Do you think there’s an ultimate problem in life that needs to be solved?

I do not think that an ultimate problem that needs solving, each form of conflict tends to exist only for those involved. To call one problem greater than another seems to be entirely by perspective in my opinion.

What do you think is at the root of that problem or the cause of it?

I suppose this in not applicable. Some problems come from internal sources, others external.

Solution: What does or would it look like to solve that problem? Is there any solution?

For each given problem there is often a solution that can be taken. Again, this is difficult to answer because I do not think there is a singular ultimate problem. But I suppose most of these solutions come down to the choice of an individual to make changes on the factors that they have control over, and to recognize and accept the ones they don't.


Many of the world’s most intellectually gifted, professionally accomplished and artistically creative people have openly shared their perspectives about what they believe is true; not surprisingly, many of these perspectives conflict with one another entirely. How do you decide what you choose to believe?”

I choose to believe things based on my own experiences. And also trust the experience of others if I have reason to accept them as an authority on a subject.

What factors are important in proving something? If someone told you something and presented it as a fact or a proven principle, what would you need before you could accept it as true?

I would require evidence over a large sample size I suppose. The evidence must provide no other alternative answer. Many of these questions are hard to answer without being placed in the position.


Do you think there’s only one standard for right and wrong, or is it just a matter or what’s right and wrong for me and what’s right and wrong for you? Or something in between? For example… Where’s your favorite place to eat out? Imagine you’re at [that place] when suddenly, some guy you’ve never met before comes up and decks you across the face. Would you suggest that what just happened to you was wrong? Why or why not?

I believe that right and wrong are entirely a matter of perspective. The way that we are able to form cultural views on right and wrong is by agreeing upon a shared perspective. Within the given example I would consider the action wrong when viewed through a cultural lens, but once the situation makes itself clear, then my opinion on the situation may change with my perspective.

/r/ModernMagic Thread