15 year old claims to be working on the "Official Minecraft Movie."Searches reddit for unpaid screenwriters.

I'm not sure if he was a troll or not, but i will write this anyways because there are loads of people like him who want their work to be done, but, just listen, you should never, ever approach something like this to make your work.

Just take a good read on the story of This guy, who is the most golden example of this subreddit who tried to publish his "work" (webcomics) in the same way you are trying to, but an entire encyclopedia about his life is a result of him attempting to make his work in a such way.

"Kane J Goodridge has Aspergers syndrome, which is a form of Autism."

Seriously?, i am not sure if this is mere cliché circlejerk vandalism on "your" IMDB page or if you actually wrote this, let me say straight to you from someone who is autistic just like "you":

Nobody cares about your life, do not use something like "autism" as an excuse to make people feel sorry for you thinking that this'll give you more support, you're just worsening the stereotype, because autism is not a mental illness or something that will make you in any way "special" or superior over other filmmakers.

I extremely respect his dreams to direct films and games, just do not behave in a way Christian did.

My god, i knew someone like this would approach some internet forum some time, thank you fucking God for this subreddit existing, i think this sub actually fucking helps people who want to be actual artists, just do not act like the people who are featured in here.

It's because of fucking Reddit that i didn't posted my fan-made "video games" in 2011, i set up Wikia as their "websites", i don't even want to imagine how much Karma you guys would've made with me and how much my reputation would've been fucking ruined, applause.

I even e-mailed Ken Silverman, the programmer of Duke Nukem 3D to help me, sigh.

/r/delusionalartists Thread Link - reddit.com