1500 euro for two week old puppies on adverts. Scumbag breeder while so many dogs are dumped in shelters.

My manager at work has 2 frenchies and also a mate of mine has one. None of them have health issues. All of them live great lives, never down in the vet. Frenchies get a bad rep because certain scumbag breeders "design" breed them to reduce the size of their snout so they have flatter faces. But these are by far and away the minority. In Europe there are principles to frenchie breeding and huge campaigns asking people to only purchase Frenchies that have not been designed to have flat faces. Frenchies are perfectly fine and live fantastic lives if you can find a reputable breeder. The respiratory issues they have are bred into them...its designed by the breeder.

I'm just sick of people thinking frenchies need to stop being bred. They're a beautiful animal and their personalities are unmatched. Blame the scumbag breeders for design breeding them instead.

My mate and my manager have frenchies with snouts. Never had any issues.

/r/ireland Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com