15F. Feeling sad, AMA.

[deleting later because it’s very personal but just wanna let it out for now]

My life has just gone very downhill, very fast and I’m honestly barely trying to get it back on track. To put it in a v short and easy way, I was sexually assaulted, tried to tell my boyfriend, he went and asked the guy who did it to me what happened, he LIED a lot but my memory was so bad I didn’t know what to do, a few weeks ago I remembered what happened, got him to admit to a few lies but he just left the call (it was a call between me, him, my now ex bf) and now I’ve lost my ex for good; not that I care for a relationship anymore, but he’s managed to convince all my friends to be against me. Anyways, I reported this to the police a couple days ago and have to go back to the station on Wednesday. Wish me luck aha.

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