16-year-old Amandla Stenberg Schools Everyone On Cultural Appropriation.

That's not what cultural appropriation is about. nearly every comment in this thread is ill informed and negative it's really sad to see and makes me think that people din't actually watch the video. So I'm going piggy back off of your comment since it's sitting at the top of the thread currently.

The problem with cultural appropriation is that it's bad when a (white) majority adopts something from another culture (even things they were very vocal about not liking or understanding it originally) and then replacing the originators with a white face and never acknowledging them or even admitting to borrowing a piece of that culture. Sometimes that piece of culture even loses its original meaning and purpose and becomes more of a product for pop culture to mass produce and consume. The more insulting points come in when racial stereotypes get hinted at, like people talking in speaking in Ebonics or a black American accent when that's not their natural accent, or filming music videos with them eating watermelon and acting out black mannerism.

It's not about segregation or an us versus them situation, or a who can wear what, or do their hair this type of way argument. It's simply about respect and extending a hand to the originators, keeping the pages of history intact and being transparent about what behaviors you're adopting and what people originally thought about it and changing how your behavior towards the group of people you borrowed your new piece of culture from.

You talk, act, dress, and make music as apart of a culture you came in borrowing from but you still think of that group of people as less than you. Then when social injustice issues arise for that minority group you're suddenly silent, and not supportive or don't want to be associated with that culture anymore, in one of the most important times for you to be apart of the culture.

That's the problem with cultural appropriation.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - huffingtonpost.com