The 163rd Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

In terms of Team fight or single target 1 vs 1 man fights

Teamfight : Medusa>Spectre>PA>WR>PL>AM

Single target: Spectre>Medusa>PA>WR>AM>PL

Global damage: Spectre>Everyone.

Late game survivability is just as important as damage, anyone can build a divine rapier and butterfly and MKB. Not everyone scales as well to fully utilize it. This is why WR/PA/AM are mediocre late late game because enemy carries will have a MKB and they dont have any innate survivability although PA will have more since she tends to get satanic.

AM is actually a relatively mediocre carry. He has little to no innate auto attack steroids or survivability (magic resistance doesnt count). Many carries will out damage AM, not many carries can out farm AM who explodes in net worth after BF

WR just has max att speed. At a certain point, this is kind of null and you are better off with an innate steroid (PA's crit for example) and just as importantly being agi so you get that sweet sweet armour.

PL is the odd one. He is mid game carry now, late game better off as confusion and swarming rather than outright strength and fighting toe to toe with the enemy. Because of how disruptive he is, I reckon at the end late game, he is better in team fights while AM is better off just split pushing.

PA's blur is mediocre late game against MKB but her crit gives her more value over the other plebs.

Spectre can solo kill squishies late game with his ultimate alone. Medusa can have a divine and sit and unload. They both excel at team fights but spec can take them better if they are spread and by nature, spec's build will single target better than medusa.

Other surprisingly high end carries are void whose chrono gives him a head start in any 1 vs 1 carry man fight. Also innate bash is strong. CK, with his ulti up has the highest carry DPS in the game, Legion can get enough duel victories to become ridiculous, Tiny's craggy means he will win most melee man fights but requires support more than most other carries. Better at team fights really with that cleave, Slark is one of those ones who can also situationally be better than all with enough stolen agi, OD has incredibly respectable damage because late game with many carries hitting close to 25 armour (therefore 60% damage reduction). OD getting +300 pure damage on top of his 300 base damage can easily outshine heroes with 400 base damage and critting for 1000 with daedulus (which is only 180 and 400 after reductions against 25 armour)

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