[16f] Boys don't like me and I don't like me

  1. shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you are talking about.
  2. Do you know what a majority is? I believe it is 51% or so... or at least over 50%. - your opinion is not held by the majority.

ok. to all of these people with minority views... let me ask you this very extreme example.

would you live your life like you are going to win the lottery? Why not? It is because, while it is very possibly it is incredibly unlikely or something along these lines? Why bother saving for retirement when there is a chance that you could die before you even hit retirement? Why not just spend most of your money and maybe keep a small amount for emergencies but not retirement. There are actually a decent amount of people who fit into this category. BECAUSE THATS NOT THE FUCKING MAJORITY! You live your live based on majorities. A majority of people live their life to retirement age therefore we save. If less than 50% of people made it to that age I almost 100% sure that very few people would bother saving up their money for a time they probably won't see anyway.

So why should your minority views about finding black women attractive be seen any differently?

That's what all of your opinions are like! Why should I give this girl advice like she is going to easily find those few people that happen to think she is beautiful and not see her skin color! I am so baffled by you?! Take a freaking statistics course. Im getting sick of repeating myself. I have already fucking said that there are plenty of beautiful black women! Im done repeating myself about your minority points of view.. And you are right I am very unattractive! but its because I am black. I know this, I have been told this, it is ingrained into my mind and soul. I will never forget it.

but heres your round of applause! Good for you for being progressive and seeing past color.

/r/amiugly Thread Parent