[16M] I’m living in an extremely strict, cult religion, and need your help with legal advice about my current situation.

It's important to draw a distinction between "I don't like how my parents are raising me" and "I am being abused and neglected."

Things like homeschooling, religious beliefs, where you live, who you're allowed to talk to, having a phone, not allowing access to your documents as a minor, and even controlling your property and money are in the "parenting conflict" pile. You don't have to agree with your parents on them, and I might think some of those rules are completely unreasonable or even dangerous for you, but they're not going to give rise to a legal issue of any kind. Your parents are allowed to parent you strictly, according to their religious beliefs.

Malnourishment, lack of medical care, and physical violence are against the law, however, even if motivated by religious beliefs. If you believe you and your siblings are being abused, you can contact CPS, who will investigate.

I understand some of your distress, and I accept that it's real. Please, when you're an adult, speak to a counsellor familiar with people who have broken from their families over parenting and religious disagreements. It's hard. You can do it, though, and you're allowed to reach out to your siblings as they grow up. There's no way to guarantee they'll make the same choices you did, but you can always hold the door open.

/r/legaladvice Thread