I (16M) Used to have sex with my male friends when I was 12.

You started young. You enjoyed it, own it and move on, don't be shamed of it. I personally feel it's best to wait till you're older to have sex, but I do know that sex at that age is not that uncommon. I remember my 6th grade elementary school teacher giving a lecture on safe sex because he heard some of the girls talking about being worried over being pregnant. So yeah, they were having sex at that age, several of them. Figure out who you are, don't be ashamed of what you enjoy. Own it, and enjoy life. Do whatever makes you happy.

You can live a normal life after that. It's just sex, as long as it wasn't abusive, you'll be fine. My best friend from high school started having sex when she was very young. By 16 she was very sexual, loved sex. In fact, I remember her almost being obsessed with sex. Fast forward to today. She's now in her 30s, married with kids and living a typical boring married life. As long as you viewed that sex as fun, you'll likely be fine.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread