[17/F] I feel as if I will never trust or be 100% comfortable in a relationship.

17M here! I recently went through a really tough breakup with my girlfriend[ 17/F] but the reasons involved a difference in beliefs (and immaturity on her part). We broke up a month ago and she has been subtweeting about me and spreading rumors which is practically ruining my reputation at my high school (I'm really close to graduation just 2 more trimesters thank God haha). I had told her I was offended with the subtweeting, so she said "I'll call you to solve this problem." You know what wasn't talked about on the phone? The subtweeting. She literally called me to tell me how horrible of a boyfriend I was.

The reason I'm telling you all this is that these types of things happen and I can sympathize with you. After that phone call last night I was hurt. I felt like the worst guy on the planet. But I have faith in myself I'll bounce back. And I have faith you will too. Please take your time while recovering. Hash things out. Maybe don't date until you graduate high school. A final thing I'd like to mention is that we're both so young. I can recall relationships prior to my last one and at the time I felt horrible but as I grow I my past problems become smaller and smaller. Just my insight. Best of luck to you!

/r/relationship_advice Thread