(17)F I Feel So Low

Omfg you look so far from hideous it's unreal.. You're face is gorgeous, your eyes look beautiful and your body looks fine. You look like the sort who would look amazing just getting out of bed, or like wearing an old loose fitting t-shirt and shorts with your hair tied back. You just have that sort of natural prettyness, like you don't need make-up at all. The idea that you think you're ugly is shocking to me. I would sacrifice a lot of stuff just to spend one night with you. Hell, just to see your body even. To me you have the ideal look. You look ridiculously desirable and have the pretty, long term cuteness that doesn't get boring. I'm certain there would be tons of guys that would kill to be with you so it's really sad that you think you look bad. I hope you manage to find some confidence. Your looks should not be holding you back at all.

/r/amiugly Thread