I [17F] am planning to visit my boyfriend [20M] as soon as I turn 18

No, because it is not valid. Making such a statement presumes that it is generally valid, but it cannot be, can it? You're not the first adult that I talk to about this about, since his parents didn't say anything bad about this, considering that I am actually far more responsible than my boyfriend although I am younger than him and I am theoretically "unexperienced", yet I did date someone for 2 years and was expected to marry him so I know how relationships work; I've been through a fairly toxic one, I am biologically mature enough to make the difference between what is wrong and what is right. I have no idea how you grew up and how people act where you come from, but where I come from, if you are not ready to move out and understand how cruel the world can be at the age of 18 you're going to get fucked in the arse. You have no idea what living in a semi-communist country is like and how poorly treated humans are in general, and how hard it is to build self confidence and respect for yourself when everyone is going to try to stop you from succeeding. Oh I'm sorry, my mum and dad did not hold my hand and hugged me when I cried, neither did my teachers. You have to learn how to figure things out on your own, which I did and I am fairly satisfied and happy with who I am and what I have achieved even though I come from an extremely dysfunctional family.

/r/LongDistance Thread Parent