17M I suck at trying to find out if I’m attractive, average or ugly.

So to clarify for anyone reading through these comments. I just wanted to see how ppl view me and get genuine responses from ppl bc I’m not a great judge when it comes to my looks. I wasn’t expecting this guy from another thread I commented in, in a completely different subreddit to come and start commenting on my posts. I do comment a lot in other subreddits and answer ppls questions when it comes to drugs. My whole outlook is to inform as many ppl as I can on safe use and harm reduction so they don’t get hurt later on (it’s easier to do this on Reddit than irl bc there is a lot of stigma and misinformation surrounding drugs) This includes buying drugs too, which is what that guy was referring to.

I’m still going to leave this post up at least for now, bc I see no harm in me keeping it up. Law enforcement doesn’t like to waste hrs and hrs of their time to catch someone who buys personal amounts of drugs online. I don’t really advertise my drug use either, I’m just open about it on Reddit bc the communities are awesome.

Anyways hope this clears things up and sorry if anyone got a wrong impression of me.

/r/amiugly Thread