I (17nb) got my first job today and I’m doing really well in school!

Congrats! My first job was as a cashier in a gas station right next to a shady bar. I was 17 too. It’s been a few years and I quit for another job after a couple of months but I still remember it like it was yesterday. The joys of having a dude two times your size throwing a temper tantrum ‘cause you don’t have his type of ciggies, contant gas theft, dealing with gambling addicts, having old people trying to flirt with you, calling the police so they can pick-up a passed-out dude in the parking lot, drunk guy #207 slobbishly opening a bag of chips before paying and somehow getting more chips on the floor than in his mouth, a child throwing up in the candy isle, obvious tweens trying to buy alcohol... Wal-Mart has a reputation for being a haven of odd people so I’m sure you’ll have quite a few stories too. I hope your coworkers are chill ‘cause that’s what really makes or breaks a teen job.

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