18,928 DEAD, 1.8 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

OoOoOoOohhhh yikes, I hate lies! Lemme just see what it says at this “fact check” link:

Taking the raw data of possible COVID-19 vaccination reactions at face value and using them without context is an oft-used tactic by people attempting to undermine public confidence in the vaccines, according to the New York Times. They frequently interpret the numbers from EudraVigilance or from its United States counterpart, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, as evidence of the vaccines’ dangers.

Wait a fucking sec, so the numbers listed are truthful but something something numbers out of context? THAT is what makes this claim false?

Like did you just see the word “false” on the piece of clipart at the top and call it a day?

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