I [18 F] Keep making bad decisions out of loneliness. Advice

Girl, I'm going through the exact same thing!

One thing I've realized is I just try to cram in everything on a hyper-fast tracked schedule. If I only go out once a month or less, I just do everything. "Drink this? Sure! Sleep with that guy? Yes! I haven't had non-superficial human contact in days!"

This is unhealthy, and for some goddamn reason guys just dismiss you afterwards. Not even a booty call! It's bewildering. I find myself thinking "Was I that bad?" and thinking I'm unlovable, and it's back into deep depression. In the moment the guys are all "This is great! Next time lets try this position!" and then there's never a next time. No reason, they just fade out, like "check, another one notched on the belt."

It fucking sucks. I know.

So here's what I've had good luck with: the rule of three. No jumping into bed with him NO MATTER WHAT unless you've at least talked three times AFTER you've decided you'd sleep with him. Not even a date, just talking. (I find it's easier to hold myself to things if it doesn't seem like a high bar. Then later I feel stronger and no longer cave so easily.)

Once you're at a party and this guy is flirting up and you think "Yes, I'll have sex with him." keep it flirty and casual. Kisses, ok, groping, ok. But NOT all the way. Just keep in your head this rule.

If he texts you afterwards, great! Hold a conversation with him. If he invites you to a date, even better! But if you're at a party the next time and you see him, think to yourself "has he even just texted me three times?" If it's a yes, then ok. If no, he would have never talked to you afterwards and thus would have crushed your self esteem further.

I dunno if this makes sense, I'm still going through this myself. Logically I know I'm not ugly, and I've got DDs and a slim waist and all that, so with everything I'd seen on TV, in movies, in comedians, in dumb jokes posted on the internet suggests I'm at least a booty call worthy. But something about jumping into bed immediately with a guy makes them never call again. And those internet jokes and TV shows are just that, exaggerations. Male sexuality in the media is shown as voracious and indiscriminating, which is actually bullshit. So men and women get hurt in the crossfire when the lie that guys will do anything for sex falls apart.

But doesn't it just suck when they don't ever respond to you again?

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