18, homeless - No ID

I've been in a similar situation before, hopefully you have some kind of support network even if it's very minor. You need someone you can trust that will allow you to use their mailing address (even if you are not 'living' there) this can either be a friend or a shelter.

Once you have that work on getting your birth certificate and social security card. Information can be found on this website. Remember you do not need to pay a 3rd party service to do this for you. You should only deal directly with the government in person or through the mail. Once you have these two items you can have your state ID / driver's license replaced at the DMV.

While you are waiting on these you should also be applying for state assistance via food stamps, etc. Every state's process is different but they all share a common trait that it will take awhile to get approval. You may not have all the ID you need to meet their specifications but many states have 'emergency assistance' programs that will front you a bit of help if you can show that you are trying in earnest to rectify the situation.

Once you have your three pieces of ID you are at least eligible for any assistance programs that you can apply as well as to additional jobs outside of just standing outside home depot waiting to get picked up for day labor jobs.

Outside of that just keep busting your balls, keep looking for low-income options. If you keep your nose clean. Everything is going to be shitty for awhile. But eventually you will find a shitty job and a shitty apartment, where you can save up and reboot your life. I was cleaning dishes under the table and renting a room (cash only) for not shitting you $42 week utilities included for longer than I can imagine. It took me awhile but now I'm out of that dump and my life is back on track.

/r/personalfinance Thread