(18/m) always been curious

aw maaan!! :) well you just made MY day by writing back to me!! lol. my pleasure man, trying to help out with how you look to other people! I guess I like "thinking deeper" than some people do, or really its more like, I know how it is to "feel your life", inside your own self, and to know that ONLY YOU know how you feel inside.. you're the only person experiencing "being you", if that makes sense :P So I just kinda wanna come along beside you, put my arm around you, around your heart, around your "YOU!", and say.. man, I know how it is inside!! So there ya go! :) And it's myyyy pleasure and honor to just get to know that whoever you are there, sitting (or standing? :P ) there reading this.. I'm getting to talk to YOU! The ONLY "YOU" in this whoooold world! Wow, does that make ME special??!!!! :P haha. So yea, like I said before, don't worry dude, you're definitely cute! =) And like I said before too, I know the real bottom line, especially for a guy, is we want to know if we look good sexually, in a way that people would want to have sex with us. I mean hey, we're guys!! We spend most of our "secret inside converstations" thinking about sex, right??!!! haha, see!! I KNOW how life really is :P And so yes, even on the sexual attractiveness side, you're very hot and lots of people would want to have sex with you, if you oooonly could read their minds :D And speaking of.. thankfully no one else can see THIS conversation, or they'd probably be like.. wtf??!! haha :P But the real truth even about that is that reacting like that, to me being a guy and telling you you're sexually hot, is that we're not "suppose" to say that to another guy in our society. And they actually are realizing in their own self, secretly, that yes you are sexually attractive, but they just would never come out and say that. Ok this is all sounding goofy now haha but just trying to get my point across :P You stud! ;-) hahaha there ya go... yea, just think of yourself as a stud! :P lol. Really though, just knowing that about yourself, and knowing that the REAL truth is the people think you're sexually hot (which you are!) and that they'd want to have sex with you if they weren't too afraid to ask, really helps in the ol self esteem department!! So just start knowing you're hot, ok??!!!!!! lol. I'm sure you've seen tons and tons of naked pics of people online (who hasn't?!!!! haha), and it's obvious that someone seeing you naked makes you look that much hotter.. so part of the "hotness" factor always involves some hot naked pics of you. and obviously on here it's just normal pics, and you're going to get more "normal responses" too, because of that. But with how you look, your face and the cuteness blah blah of how you look, that along with someone if they saw you naked, and your body and your actual cock and and cockhair bush (just being totally upfront and real here about the reality of how we all think... you know what I mean) put that all together, and dude... woah... you have NO problem being seen as hot!!! Ok so I had some time sitting here this morning, and I'm blabbing away with you :P But I can tell you're just an awesome nice guy, just from writing me back like you did, so just thought I'd blab some with you just now lol. hit me back dude, any time ok?!! You'd be an awesome friend to just have someone you can tell ANYthing to, be 100% real and talk about life!! Veeeery few people in life come across people they can be that real with, and no fear of being "judged", which is stupid I think. We're all people! We're... who we are! And you, dude... are awesome!! It totally shows!! :) ok I'll shut up! I promise!!! haha. hit me back sometime! =)

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