18 Trying to plan for my future.

Can you delay admission to college? If you can afford a year off, who doesn't like a gap year? It's quite popular in Europe.

That said, the whole don't learn comp sci in college crowd is meh. It depends what you make of it. The absolute best software developers I know studied comp sci or something very technical in college. It is what you make of it. It also gives you structure, mentors and peers which a lot of people need. Are you one of them? Hell if I know. But don't dismiss it because you read some opinion on the internet (mine included).

I thought I'd be one of those developers honestly. I started to program when I was 11, it came natural, I enjoyed it. Once I actually got to college and enrolled in a CS program, I realized it really wasn't for me. Luckily, I had a lot of options. I got other skills which complement my programming skills. I still program almost every day, but it's not really my passion like it is those friends of mine who are incredibly talented (and here's the key: work way harder at becoming better programs every day because they eat, sleep and breathe it). I learned in college that it wasn't programming I was passionate about, it was problem solving and creating things, programming was just a single tool in the toolbox.

Traveling and college are both places I've learned a lot about myself. I'd encourage you to experience both if you can. You want to be a nomad, but until you try some extended traveling and working, you don't really know if that's true. There's a lot of glamorous blog posts and information about digital nomading, but barely anyone is going to tell you when it sucks, how hard it can be and the struggles involved. The good news is that you're young and you've got a lot of options ahead of you. Have fun.

/r/digitalnomad Thread