I was 18 yesterday and I'm 28 now

All the Movistar's suddenly got old and grey, even Seth Rogan looks like someone's math teacher. Got dry skin, bad eyesight and my boobs relaxed a bunch... they were impressive in their day I tell u. I'm 40 but it's just packaging. I was the most "me" at about 22, Still feels like the world is open to me and I have so much time to figure it out, but then I see myself in the mirror. Unbrushed hair when you're 20 =sexy bedhead! Wild hair at 40, oh look there's a pedophile lets call the police.

I always think of back in the beginning(bible) how people had a lot more time, like 800 years, Now we get 80 but have to be old people for that last half. I know tech companies that are working on gene editing to treat progeria... But I would take it, I can't get out, I'm not ready yet!

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