Why I (18F) don’t want children

That is perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with living the life you want for yourself. Only thing that matters is you being happy.

From my personal perspective it was the same for me when I was your age. Now I have turned 30 and realised that I am bored from life.

In the last 15 years I picked a profession, worked, went to university, graduated and went up the career ladder. I have travelled the world (been to all continents except Antarctica), seen all the more or less famous sights and even lived some time abroad. Within the past 2 years I realised that it is not that exiting and fulfilling anymore. I have friends and a fantastic partner but it just gets more and more boring. It’s like in the movie Groundhog Day. Pretty much during the same period the SO and I have realised, that kids are something we somehow enjoy. (Mostly due to being around the kids of friends and family). Of course they are challenging and take a lot from you but they are also very rewarding.

I guess what I am trying to say is that everything has its time. And that we grow with our experiences and successes. It is important to have something to life up to. To have some purpose in life. That could be kids but also something else. Guess for me it will be kids.

/r/childfree Thread