[18M] My parents keep insisting I spend time with them, but I don't really want to. How can I tell them to back off without offending them?

Alrighty! Time for you to set some boundaries!

Your parents are displaying the classic symptoms of empty nest syndrome. You're a new adult, trying to find your way in the world, and this is a lesson you best learn early.

No is a complete sentence. They keep constantly badgering you because they know that eventually you cave and do what they want. You can't let them do that anymore. If they pester you, stick to your guns. You're going to see them on your terms. Say something like, "Mom/Dad, I know you miss me and want to spend time with me, but I am unable to visit you every single weekend. When I have time to see you, I'll let you know." If they keep pestering you, repeat yourself. If they keep on after that, end the conversation. "Oh, sorry, I have to go now, bye!" Click. Don't pick up the phone after that.

If they blow up your phone with texts, you are not obligated to answer. You're a busy college student, remember? If you need to, set limits: no answering phone calls or texts after 9pm, or something like that. Boundaries are to limit your own behavior, since you can't change theirs. Eventually they'll get the hint and probably stop. No one is entitled to your time, and that includes parents, even if they're paying for school.

My mom used to do a similar thing with texting, but when I just stopped responding so frequently, she stopped trying to text me so much. Also, don't feel too bad about not liking your parents. No one wants to hate their parents. If anything, their behavior is directly affecting their relationship with you, so if you implement these techniques, you'll have a healthier relationship and might get along better in the future.

Hope I was helpful, good luck to you. If they do any other weird stuff, r/raisedbynarcissists has a good list of tips on how to enforce boundaries with overbearing parents. I don't know how crazy your family is, but if they're bad, that's a good place to go.

/r/relationships Thread