I [18M] told my conservative Indian parents that I had a girlfriend [18F] during freshman year of college and asked them to accept me and the decisions I make.

This is almost word for word what my crazy parents texted me when I said I didn't want to go home every weekend and instead visited friends. They're also Telugu btw. They'd have a stroke if they found out I have a boyfriend. They call other kids with boyfriends/girlfriends 'sluts'. Ended up cutting them off because they were making me suicidal and then threw away my mental health medication.

If they're anything like my parents, they're going to blame your "low" grades or struggles with school on the girlfriend. But my suggestion is to keep them on a need to know basis and ignore their drama. It seems like you're doing well for yourself, especially if you're double majoring. Good luck!

/r/insaneparents Thread Link - i.imgur.com